
Helpful Websites

Graph Creator This site was given to me by Aaron in Mrs. Dial's class.  It can be used in all your classes to create useful graphs!  It is a really neat site!  Thanks Aaron! Cool

Vansville Elementary School


Websites to Practice Math Skills!

XP Math  This site has a lot of fun games to practice various math skills.  It also has information on math careers and other math related topics.  I have linked some of the games below.


Comparing Integers

Integer Blocks This is really fun!

Adding Integers

Solving Addition Equations

Solving Subtraction Equations

Solving Multiplication Equations

Solving Two-Step Equations


Decimals to Percents

Percents to Decimals

Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers  DON'T FORGET TO SIMPLIFY!

Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions

Adding Decimals

Subtracting Decimals

Multiplying Fractions This can be challenging because they want you to simplify as well!